Domain Registration is not the same as a Hosting Plan

One of the most common mistakes I encounter with my clients is confusing domain registration with a hosting plan.  Since it is an easy mistake to make, I thought I might take a stab at explaining the difference between the two. Domain Registration A domain name (e.g. is like an address for an empty …

Some days you just gotta brag

As my regular readers know, I like to turn Barnes & Noble Nook Colors into full-fledged Android tablets.  For reasons that don’t bear further exploration at this juncture, I found myself with three Nooks to convert this past week.  Having already converted several, I though this time would be a breeze.  The first two were …

I'm not even supposed to be here today!

Right now I should be playing with my twin niecelettes in New York.  Either that or laying on the floor, completely wiped out, while my twin niecelettes play on some device with a screen.  Regardless, I am not there.  All because of the Frankenstorm (aka Superstorm Sandy). Instead, I have begun fulfilling my 50,000 word …

Language Envy

I have long regretted not growing up in a culture where people routinely learn multiple languages in the course of everyday life. Growing up, I had a friend whose family spoke 4 languages at home.  At the dinner table, the family spoke an amalgam language, seamlessly switching between languages to use the most accurate word …

What I've been up to lately

I know I have been silent for a while (so much for my commitment to blogging–I obviously need another challenge), but that is because Tech Whispering has kept me busy.  Thanks to my clients, I am learning all about “known issues” with Outlook 2010 and syncing iPads w/Mac’s mail client.  “Known issues” are basically bugs …

Going 2 Weeks on Mobile Alone

I am often asked my opinion on whether or not people with tablets need to bring their laptops when travelling.  My standard response it to lay out of the pros and cons of mobile technology and leave it at that.  I have been travelling a lot lately and in deference to my back (I chose …

How I Failed to Outsmart Google

One of my favorite lines from Star Wars is when Han Solo tells Luke, “That’s great kid. Don’t get cocky.” It is a reminder that we are all vulnerable to the same hubris that brought Icarus down.  My general tendency is to under, not over-estimate my abilities.  However, even I get cocky sometimes. I recently …

Goodbye Sally Ride

…and thanks for all the fish. I have never had an interest in space travel.  I like gravity (although decreasingly so as I age). I have a strong preference for sticking to environments where I can breathe unassisted (which explains my aversion to snorkelling).  I also distrust my own ability to get a space suit …

The Power of Convenience

How many times have you gotten home from work and realized that you forgot to call your mechanic to make an appointment? How about forgotten to call your hairdresser for a haircut? What often ends up happening is you call and leave a message asking for an appointment. Then you spend the next couple of …