Domain Registration is not the same as a Hosting Plan

One of the most common mistakes I encounter with my clients is confusing domain registration with a hosting plan.  Since it is an easy mistake to make, I thought I might take a stab at explaining the difference between the two.
Domain Registration
A domain name (e.g. is like an address for an empty lot.  You can go to the address, but you won’t find anything there.  There are probably millions of potential domain names that are unused.  When you register a domain, you are licensing the domain as your own.  Or, to extend the metaphor, you are leasing the address of the empty lot.
Sometimes, all someone wants to do is register a domain so nobody else can use it.  If that is that is the case, than all that person needs is domain registration. If someone wants to create a website or blog at that domain, then a hosting plan is required.
Hosting Plans
The content of a website or blog needs somewhere to live.  If the domain name is the address, the hosting plan is the building.  A hosting plan leases space on a server somewhere in the world for your content to live.  The space on that server is the building where your content lives.  The domain name and host do not need to be with the same provider.  It may simplify things, but it is not required.
Hopefully that clarifies the distinction a bit.  If you still have questions, feel free to leave a comment or email me at eva [at] techwhisperer [dot] biz.