Sometimes you just don't want to know

My general philosophy is to empower my clients to feel comfortable exploring and problem solving for themselves. Whenever possible, I try to incorporate some teaching into my tech support. I have received some great feedback from clients who tell me that I have opened new worlds for them. Not because I have snazzed up their devices, but simply by giving them permission to explore. When simple permission is not enough, the knowledge that there is someone who will help bail them out if he/she gets into trouble encourages experimentation. Other times, it is simply the knowledge that I will not judge that can nudge someone out of his/her comfort zone.
Experimentation isn’t for everyone and that is ok too. I have a new(ish) client who is so busy with the daily nuts and bolts of running a business that she has no interest in learning how to do things for herself. She just wants me to do what is necessary so she doesn’t have to devote any of her limited capacity to worrying about technology.
I completely understand where she is coming from. Running a business solo (or even with a partner) is an all consuming task. You have to be your own marketing, billing, communication, account management, business development and janitorial departments. It is a rare person who excels at (or enjoys) every aspect of running of business. If cash were not a problem, one could simply hire contractors to do the work you hate or are just not very good at. It is the rare entrepreneur for whom money is no object.
This is also where my policy of “no judgement” comes in. I am happy to help my client achieve her business goals by taking technical issues off her plate. When she contracted with me, it became my responsibility to help her identify what she wanted to achieve, offer some reality testing where appropriate and then make it so in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. If there comes a point where my client changes her mind and wants to learn how to do more for herself, I will happily teach her.