Some days you just gotta brag

As my regular readers know, I like to turn Barnes & Noble Nook Colors into full-fledged Android tablets.  For reasons that don’t bear further exploration at this juncture, I found myself with three Nooks to convert this past week.  Having already converted several, I though this time would be a breeze.  The first two were …

Going 2 Weeks on Mobile Alone

I am often asked my opinion on whether or not people with tablets need to bring their laptops when travelling.  My standard response it to lay out of the pros and cons of mobile technology and leave it at that.  I have been travelling a lot lately and in deference to my back (I chose …

If it wasn't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointments

Several weeks ago, I was talking to a colleague whose organization is going through some serious leadership changes.  My friend was contemplating next steps and trying to come up with a new staffing plan.  In essence she was trying to figure out how many people it would take to do the job of the 2 …

Keeping Track of it All

Yesterday’s post was all about finding content to read.  Today’s follow-up post is about ways to easily save that content to your smartphone or tablet so you can bring it with you and read offline. There two options that I currently use (although one has emerged as my favorite) and a third one that comes …

Electronic vs. Paper Books

I am a fast and voracious reader (I have been known to finish 3-4 books in a single weekend). I also have family on the East Coast, so I take a fair number of cross-country trips. The end result being that I have been known to devote more space to books than clothes when traveling. …

Why I broke up with Apple

I have been an apple devotee since I got my very first Mac Classic  loaner in college.  The very first computer I bought for myself was a Mac LCII. In fact, I still have it, I just can’t bring myself to get rid of it. Like many of us, I assumed that I would get …