Some days you just gotta brag

As my regular readers know, I like to turn Barnes & Noble Nook Colors into full-fledged Android tablets.  For reasons that don’t bear further exploration at this juncture, I found myself with three Nooks to convert this past week.  Having already converted several, I though this time would be a breeze.  The first two were easy, relatively speaking–just the inevitable small hiccups.  The third one though was a bear.  It just insisted on staying a Nook reader and that is not what I wanted it to be.  We battled for 3 days until this afternoon, when I finally beat it into submission. The triumph I felt when I saw the Android (actually Cyanogenmod) logo pop up instead of the Nook’s welcome screen reminded me of why I love doing what I do.  I remembered that even when I am frustrated, I love the problem solving and research aspect of my work. Not to mention the feeling of accomplishment when I succeed.
I must give credit where it is due and I owe a hearty thanks to the folks at the XDA-Developers forum for providing me with the solution that solved my problem.  Without folks volunteering their time to answer questions from people like me, I would still have an e-reader instead of a tablet.  They deserve both kudos and lots of karmic points.
In other news, things are relatively quiet these days and I don’t expect business to pick up until the new year when people start trying to figure out how to use their new computers and gadgets.  I am using my available time to catch up on some long-term client projects that deserve some focused attention.  I am also using this respite to learn Windows 8 on my new-to-me desktop (thank you Free Geek).  This way I will be ready to support my clients on their new Windows 8 laptops/desktops and tablets.  Last, but certainly not least, I will be spending my time revamping my website, something that has been on my to-do list for a while now.