Brain Fuzz

I did eventually make it home late Monday night.  I had a 7:30 am meeting Tuesday morning, which wasn’t too bad because my body was still on Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).  I was even able to be productive the remainder of the morning.  But, my brain was pretty gooey by the time 2:30 pm came …

Bored Now

I should be on a plane to Portland right now.  But, there are thunderstorms in Dallas, which means I am spending quality time in the Philadelphia airport.  This was my home airport for 6 years, so at least I know my way around it.  Even so, there is only a limited amount one can do …

Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want, This Time

As if the gremlins massacring my technology weren’t enough, I have been fighting with one particular plugin to auto-post my blog to Facebook and Twitter. Really, this should not be so complicated. I had a great plugin that worked for a couple of years. But, the developer didn’t update it for the latest version of …

The Tech Whisperer Unplugged

I have been reading a lot about how networks are trying to capture people, like myself, who have “unplugged” themselves from traditional sources of television. I can easily remember the last time I watched broadcast TV.  It was Thanksgiving 2012, right after I bought a digital antenna last November so we could watch Macy’s Thanksgiving …

Karmic Debt

I wrote my undergraduate thesis on the impact of music videos on the viewer’s level of aggression.  In order to collect my data, I needed to have some ungodly number (fortunately, I have since forgotten the specifics) of test subjects watch music videos and complete a pre and post survey for me.  In order to …

Musical Youth

I was reading an article recently that explained why adults identify so strongly with the music we listened to as teenagers.  Apparently, as our teenage years are all about identity formation, we form an unconscious link between the music we listened to and our identities.  Ergo, once our identities are (somewhat) established, the music stays …

Price Points

Manhattan is not a very family-friendly city for anyone but the wealthy. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know that everything in Manhattan is over-priced. Stores sell groceries in small packages because both they and their customers have limited shelf space.  The small sizes used to run the same as the larger family-sized …