The Pros and Cons of being a Perfectionist

Like all of us, I have both strengths and flaws.  I am very self-critical, so I tend to inflate my flaws and downplay my strengths.  I am also a perfectionist, a trait that I consider to be both a strength and a flaw. For example, I recently knit up a chemo cap for a dear …

I'm Not Good at Waiting

Generally speaking, I am a patient person.  However, I am awful when it comes to waiting for public transportation. I was raised in New York City and have taken public transportation my whole life, so you would think I would have learned how to wait gracefully.  No such luck.  I obsessively check to see if …

How I Became a Hacker (and How You Can Become One Too)

Until relatively recently (the past few years), I was too uncertain of my skills to do much of anything for myself.   I felt trapped by my own ineptitude. I wouldn’t move a piece of furniture, lest it be a wrong move. I tolerated bad designs, kept all the default setting on my computers and …