Productive Procrastination

My yoga teacher says (weekly) that resting is the most important part of yoga.  I have yet to internalize that message, either for yoga or life in general.  I am a champion sleeper, but a horrible rester.  My comprehension of the term “leisure time” is severely lacking.  Believe it or not, I have actually gotten …

If it wasn't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointments

Several weeks ago, I was talking to a colleague whose organization is going through some serious leadership changes.  My friend was contemplating next steps and trying to come up with a new staffing plan.  In essence she was trying to figure out how many people it would take to do the job of the 2 …

The Paradoxes of Daily Blogging

powered by Fotopedia I have noticed an intriguing paradox emerging as I blog daily. When I first started this process, I felt compelled to make sure I had the following day’s blog scheduled for posting the next day. This went double for travel days. I have seen my compulsion dissipate over the last week or …