I should be on a plane to Portland right now.  But, there are thunderstorms in Dallas, which means I am spending quality time in the Philadelphia airport.  This was my home airport for 6 years, so at least I know my way around it.  Even so, there is only a limited amount one can do with 5+ hours of waiting time, so I decided to share my misery boredom with you all.
It has been an exciting week, filled with niecelettes and other assorted family.  Some of the family I saw included cousins I have known since they were born or at least very, very young.  At a family event I found myself discussing technology with the cousins, most of whom are now teenagers.  They gave me hope for the future of women in traditionally male-dominated fields.  There was the teenager entering a science magnet high school and a college-bound senior who sees no boundaries for women in science and technology. 
Those conversations reminded me of a conversation I had with my niecelettes a couple of years ago.  Until that point, all of the doctors they encountered (including their mother) were women.  Then a male doctor was added into the mix.  My niecelettes were confused.  They didn’t know that men could be doctors. 
I also got to spend time with my Best Friend, whom I get to see all too rarely.  Living 3,000 miles apart certainly has its disadvantages.  But, it does mean on the rare occasions that we do get to see each other, it is quite a big deal.  That was certainly a highlight of the trip.
Now my focus is entirely homeward.  I am looking forward to seeing my cats and sleeping in my own bed.  I also have a few WordPress projects that I am eager to begin.  I would work on them now, but I am on a borrowed computer and only have so long to use it.  So instead, I will use the time to contemplate solutions to the challenges ahead.