Why Does Everything Need to be so Hard?

Princeton from Avenue Q
Princeton and Howie Michael Smith from Avenue Q

On Wednesday, I helped a client figure out how to get the scanner from her wireless multi-function printer to send scanned images to her laptop. After trying all of the easy options, I went online to get the user manual. The thing had 3 manuals.  Three! For a multi-function printer.  There was the User’s Manual, the Advanced User’s Manual and the Software Manual.  After reading some nearly indecipherable instructions, I was able to get the device to do what it was meant to. Then I explained the process to my client in about 3 sentences.   It really wasn’t all that complicated, but the manuals made it seem akin to rocket surgery.
I have gone through several similar convoluted processes when helping her install software (she can do a basic installation herself, she only calls me when she hits a serious wall).  Each and every time, I can hear Princeton, from Avenue Q, saying “Why does everything need to be so hard” in my head.
In preparation for the Blogathon, I have been tweaking my website for the past couple of weeks.  Nothing major, just trying a new plugin or setting on my theme.  But for reasons only known to my ISP and god, it takes several hours for any changes to show up.  At first I thought it was just on my machine, but I have tried it on several other machines with the same result.
So, checking my website several times a day has become part of my routine.  Often I don’t even remember the changes I made by the time they show up.  And looking at my site so frequently inspires me to make other small tweaks, thus perpetuating the cycle. All the while hearing Princeton’s voice in my head.