My New Laptop: An Experiment, Part II

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Not unexpectedly, the transition to my new laptop hasn’t been particularly smooth. First the system froze installing the newest version of Ubuntu, which was released the same day my computer shipped.  Then I tried to do the installation from a CD my husband burned for me. When that didn’t work, I gave up and called tech support.  He talked me through burning the installation on to a DVD and it worked just fine.
I was really hoping that would be the end of my troubles, but nope, the Universe wasn’t feeling all that generously towards me.  We were also suffering from intermittent connectivity issues. Suffice it to say that all all those issues anyone has with switching from a laptop she has been using for the past 5 years or so are magnified when switching operating systems as well.
I am optimistic that by this time next week, I will feel fully moved in to my new machine.  But until then I can tell that my RockBand drums are going to be getting a lot of use.