That picture you see? That’s the picture I took with my phone of the view from the table on the lanai where I was working while we were in Hawaii. Yes, you should be jealous. It was awesome. In fact, now that I am home, I am in serious withdrawal from Hawaii.
It has been way to long and you are all overdue for an update. The quick version? We got “stuck” in Hawaii for an extra week and a half because David had an ear infection and we couldn’t fly without putting his hearing at risk. So, after exploring all that the big island’s medical community had to offer (in 2 ER visits, 1 urgent care visit and a visit to the one and only ENT on the island), we finally made it home last Thursday night. Just in time for my in-laws to visit and for me to get ready for a week-long business trip that I leave for on Sunday.
And, while I am home and trying desperately to catch up on work, rescheduling clients and finding some time to hang out with my in-laws, my father was hospitalized with pneumonia.  The first antibiotic they gave him didn’t work and the pneumonia spread to the other lobe in his right lung. Now he is on a new antibiotic and we just have to wait and see. I am a bit nervous about leaving because I will have no cell access and limited email access over the course of the next week so I will inevitably fall out of touch. Not that there is anything I could do anyway. He is where he needs to get better. And we have retained his 24/7 care so he has an advocate/assistant by his side all of the time.  But, that only does so much to keep my anxieties at bay
I am torn between wanting some down time to decompress and staying as busy as possible. Not that I truly have a choice. There is just way too much to get done before I leave again for a week. I hate feeling this behind. I feel like I am on a treadmill and it is going just a little faster than I can manage.
On the flip side, I have been in perpetual “on” mode for a week and that pace will continue through the 3rd of February. Then, I get to start the travel recovery process (with jetlag) all over again. The truly bright spot (and yes, there is one), is that my best friend is coming to visit for my birthday shortly after I return. She lives in Philly and I don’t to see her nearly as much as I would like.  Although this year, we are making up a little bit for the years when we don’t get to see each other at all, because I got to see her for her birthday in October.