It has been a whirlwind kind of a day so far.  Last night I chose the wrong setting on my alarm clock, so I woke up later than I intended.  Not only did I get some unintended extra sleep, but I was woken by my cat who very rarely deigns to come upstairs to the bedroom.  That means I am one of the few people who is always happy to have my cat wake me up.
I had a few hours before my first meeting of the day, so I did routine morning things like reading emails and catching up on some of my feeds.  That pretty much took me to the time I needed to head out the door.
My first meeting was not what one might expect from a Monday morning meeting.  It was with a colleague who is embarking on a great sounding new project.  I am excited for her and and looking forward to her final product.  I will share more details when she is ready for a beta release.
I also found out that one of her clients is someone whom I greatly admire. Someone who is one of those people who I would likely become incoherent in front of if I were to meet her in real life.  They connected in one of those luck of the draw kind of ways, where someone grew up with someone and someone else worked for someone and “poof” a connection was made.  To my colleague’s credit, the initial connection may have been sheer luck, but the ongoing working relationship is a testament to her skill and customer service.
The meeting with my colleague went long, so I ended up a few minutes late for lunch with a friend.  Now it is early afternoon and I am back in my office.  I have cleared out the accumulated email and am now ready to refocus on work.  Except…for the focus part.  I am feeling kind of scatter-brained.  I am leaving town tomorrow, so I have to-do and packing lists running through my head.
What I really should be doing is reading some documentation for a theme I am adapting for a client.  But, the words keep swimming in front of my eyes.  I have some rote work that I can do, but I was sort of saving it for Wednesday when I know I will be jetlagged.  Now I am perusing my to-do list and trying to find some middle-ground.  Something grounding that will help restore my focus.  Something like writing this blog post.