I just wrote an entire blog post.  It was done and I was all ready to hit publish.  But then I got a 404 error message and it disappeared!  It disappeared despite the fact that WordPress auto-saves post.  It disappeared despite the fact that I had saved the post.  It is just gone.
It was a good post.  I was rather pleased with it.  The only thing I was somewhat unsatisfied with was the photo I was using.  Maybe that is what doomed the whole thing.  I will make a mental note not to compromise on images in the future.
I am feeling particularly superstitious these days (long story, and not quite ready for public consumption), so I am hesitant to just rewrite the blog post.  That means I need to come up with a new topic.  Ideally, something other than an entire post of me whining about how frustrated I am.
I’m finding it hard to switch gears.  I am just running through all of my frustrations in my mind.  It is an unfortunate train of thought.  A cloud moving over my bluebird of happiness.  A fly in my cup of tea.
But I am also finding it hard to stay in a foul mood.  Today has been a great day.  Except for the heat.  I could live without the 92 degree heat.  The morning started with a trip to the farmers market, followed by an afternoon filled with Women who Hack and an evening with good friends.  How can you stay in a bad mood with a day like that?
And the lost post?  That is just a casualty of technology.  I never said technology was flawless.  In fact I count on technology being flawed because that is how I make my living.  Not too flawed though.  Because I rely on it for so much of what I do and that would just drive me nuts.
Like I said, this post never had a chance of being as good as the original one.  But at this point I am ok with it.  I am sure I benefited from the writing experience itself.  And now I will sign off and go play with some real people.  And hope that this post actually get published.