Yesterday was a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me. First,there were the historic rulings on DOMA and Proposition 8. Both were a giant step towards marriage equality.  I’m thrilled on behalf of my friends who live in the states (and DC) where same-sex marriage is legal.  I also challenge those of us whose states prohibit same-sex marriage to get the discrimination off the books.  That means us, fellow Oregonians.
I also came one step closer to achieving a personal goal. It isn’t a long term goal, more something that just kind of snuck up on me. But, it is an achievement nonetheless. My superstitious side is telling me to keep it under wraps for just a little bit longer.  But, there will be more details forthcoming in a few weeks.
Those were the ups.  The down was learning that a very dear friend had lost her cat, Pippin.  Pippin had lived a good, long life.  Her departure was not unexpected.  But that doesn’t make her loss any less painful.  I have loved and lost cats myself, and I know how hard it is to be left with a cat-shaped hole in one’s life.
It is apropos that I have been writing this post with my cat draped over my arms and keyboard.  He is making typing difficult, but I can’t bring myself to displace him.  Instead, I am trying to be mindful of the happiness he brings me.  Which, honestly, isn’t that hard to do.  What is it about these furry monsters with brains the size of walnuts that makes us do their bidding? And do so eagerly with our hearts filled with love? I doubt I will ever understand it.
Days like yesterday remind me that untarnished joy is a rare thing indeed.  I have grown to not just accept, but to appreciate that fact.  I think we need the perspective. We need the valleys to appreciate the height of the mountains.