Why handwrapped earbuds?

Well, College Humor just listed tangled ear buds as their #5 biggest pet peeve:

Go ahead, wrap up your earbuds before you put them in your pocket. It won’t matter. It never matters. As soon as you remove them once again they’ll take five goddamn minutes of untangling before you can use them. Whisper it, but you might as well just read a book on your morning commute.

That matches my experience, how about yours? The beauty of my wrapping is that you can shove them into your pocket, or your bag or wherever, and they emerge completely untangled.  If I was the right kind of marketer, I would insert a video of how lovely and untangled they are when I pull them out.  And I probably will…someday.
That leads me to a question.  I am not a visual person. It takes me 3 tries to absorb the images when I read graphic novels (which is ironic given how much I love reading graphic novels).  As I have been trying to market my ear buds, I have been getting the sense that the pictures I have don’t do them justice.   There is just a huge discrepancy between the responses I get when people see them in real life and when people see them in photos.
What do you think of the photos? What do you think I could do to improve them? This is a work-in-progress and I would love to make them look as good in 2D as they do in 3D.