We don’t need no stinking routine

It seems when I decide to keep my schedule full enough to distract me, I go all the way.
The last week completely breezed by, courtesy of my best friend’s visit. We did all of the requisite things, including eating our way through Portland, hanging with friends, seeing Peter Murphy and coworking together.  And now that she has returned home, we all miss her. Impressively enough even Nom Nom. Because even though it has taken us years to get Nom Nom to a place where he trusts us enough to pet him, he trusted her after mere hours.  What can I say, she is simply that awesome!
This coming week is filled with all sorts of plans, ranging from client work, to spending time with friends to a sleep study to speaking on security at a conference. The only day with nothing on the docket is Thursday. And the following week is already beginning to fill up too.
And we are also not-so-slowly creeping up on our trip to Anchorage. The closer we get our departure date, the more excited I am that we are going. And I am even more excited that I am taking the time off from work.
I am utterly and truely ready for a break from life for a while. The low point this past week was an update of sorts from our social worker. Seems that there are once again no babies in the pipeline. And the pool of adoptive parents has increased from 5 to 17 in the past month. The good news is that they have closed the pool to new entrants. The bad news is that it just means that there are more of us waiting for babies.
Although we will be keeping our phones charged and by our sides throughout the trip (you never know when a baby is going to fall from the sky), we will otherwise be shrugging off our routines and responsibilities for at least a short while. And while Passover will be keeping us from eating our way through Anchorage, we are very much looking forward to the new vistas and possibly even new perspectives the trip will bring.