No news does not equal good news

Things have been crazy busy this month, but not for the reasons that we would have liked. There has been travel, niecelettes, a wedding, nieces, cousins and even an illness to keep me distracted. And we have grand schemes planned through January, although we would happily rejigger things for a phone call (hear that universe?)
Actually, I am looking forward to all of our scheduled shenanigans. Unsurprisingly, they all involve travel. David has convinced me to take a road trip to the Bay Area the third week in November to go see friends we haven’t seen in way too long. We are hoping that this will be our last chance for a crazy roadtrip for a while and are planning to make the best of it.  And four of the friends we are planning on seeing are parents themselves, so we can even justify it in the name of research, right?
In December, we are going to Kauai to hang out with David’s family. This will be our first time meeting David’s newish second cousin, so we even get some bonus baby time while we are there. On the other hand, it would also be a great time for family to dote on a newish baby of our own, so that one is likely a win no matter what.
And last, but certainly not least (especially knowing us) is my company’s annual get-together on late January.  This year we will once again be on a cruise, but it will be 7 days instead of the usual 5 days and it is on a much bigger ship. I love my coworkers and get to see them so rarely that I really want to go. And it may be something we can even pull off with a baby, but it will be much more complicated.
If we remain babyless into January, there is a group of us that are planning on arriving a little early for the cruise and hitting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter together. And since I will be on the east coast anyway, I am sure that I will be adding a trip to New York somewhere in there to see my niecelettes.
The only bad news about keeping busy is that it has really thrown off our purge mojo. It has been months since we put any serious work into the Great Purge and the clutter is somehow multiplying again. I have conjured up a short-term goal of moving my desk into my new office space (a move of about 20 feet) so hopefully that will get us back into the swing of things again.