Today is not going quite the way I would like it to. It started out nice enough. I woke up with Dancer snuggled up to me, which is a new, but very pleasing behavior. I came downstairs, drank my coffee answered some emails and got a bee in my bonnet about going through the old files upstairs and sorting the contents into recycle and shred piles. And while I was at it, I was going to find some additional documents that we need for the adoption.
And once again, everything started out just fine. I began fantasizing about an overflowing recycle bin as I discovered just how many of the files could be gotten rid of. While I was digging through the files, I realized that I had not run across something that is particularly precious to both David and me. So my direction quickly shifted to finding that %$@&*! missing item. That is when everything started snowballing downhill.
I started ripping apart piles and looking in ridiculous places where I knew full well it would never be. But I just couldn’t help myself. And I know that I will have to look in these same places again because when I get this crazed I tend to miss the most obvious item sitting right before me. A more rational person would have stepped away from the chaos and gone for a walk. But no. Not me. I went into full freakout mode.
In my infinite wisdom, I decided shift my attention to trying to recover some pictures off an old dead MacBook. Because that’s something a freaked out person should start undertaking. Unsurprisingly, my Mac wouldn’t recognize that the external drive was plugged in. So I tried my other Mac. Same story. That led me down a rabbit hole of Apple support forums. In fact, I am writing this while I wait to see if one of the suggested fixes actually works.
Despite my insanity, I actually did manage to find something that I had been looking for last week. I don’t actually need it anymore, but at least I now know where it is. As for the two items that I set out to find this morning, I got nothing. And of course, they are time sensitive documents, so I need to redirect all of my searching mojo towards locating them. But only after I go take a walk.