Spring cleaning on steroids

Passover starts tonight, but the preparation has been going on for a while. Jews have been working on getting rid of all leavened foods for the past month in preparation for the holiday. This cleaning process includes vacuuming out cars and cleaning out those corners of your cabinets where all of the crumbs accumulate.
This year we are going for more than just crumbs. We are going for the crap that literally accumulates in the corners of our houses. In my house that includes old and much beloved laptops that are dead, but still need their hard drives to be wiped so we can give them to Free Geek. It includes a magazine rack filled with random things that got shoved in there over time. And, as I unfortunately discovered, also cat vomit of an indeterminate age.  And yes, it also includes those random pieces of paper that you keep because you might need them, but don’t want to take the time to file because as soon as you are done needing them, they can get recycled.
With all of this to do, why I am sitting on the couch right now writing a blog post? Because of the power of cat inertia. There is no greater force in nature than a sleeping cat. Sleeping cats have hampered their human’s ability to get up and get things done for as long as cats have been domesticating humans (anyone who thought it worked the other way around clearly has never had a cat).
Dancer has this somewhat unnerving habit of falling asleep with his head upright. When he falls into a deep sleep his head just flops down like his neck is suddenly made of jello. He often ends up looking like Garfield when Garfield falls asleep in his food bowl.
Because cats sleep something like 18-20 hours a day, this happens almost every single time he gets on my lap. And he sits in my lap almost every time I sit down, which means that once I sit, I am there for the duration. David and I have learned to never sit down without a filled water glass and a book, tablet or some crafting to keep us entertained while our cat sleeps.
So instead of going through my books and CDs like I should, I am sitting here typety-typing (somewhat awkwardly I might add, because I am working around the body of a sleeping cat). But I am woman, hear me roar. Or at least hear me apologetically gently wake Dancer up so I can get something done today.