I have turned in a walking fiend. Last week I walked 31 miles and this week to date I have walked 22.5 miles. This week’s total may end up a little lower than last week’d because this morning’s walk was cut short by a downpour. I literally (and I mean this word as it it meant to be used) had to wring out my clothes when I got home.
I am still waiting for that magical energy boost that I am supposed to get from exercising. According to my walking app, I have walked 162 miles since I started this endeavor, and while I am sure it is doing good things for me, it is not leaving me energized at the end of my work day. The irony of all this is that I come up with all sorts of blog posts while walking. But, after a long day of work, there is just nothing left in the tank for writing. And to be completely frank, by the end of a long day, the last thing I want to do is spend another minute in front of my laptop screen.
I suppose if I were a good techie, I would want nothing more than to spend my days and nights glued to a screen. But this is where I start to feel really old because I just can’t. My eyes start to cross and my brain starts to dim and I become absolutely useless. Oftentimes, I don’t even have the patience to do anything on my tablet, which is sad because that is where I read most of my news. I am just a paper-oriented girl in an electronic world. I know I am not alone. It is just a part of being a Gen-Xer. Caught between the generations of technology.
This morning, I started contemplating the need for good raingear for walking. I am hesitant to invest in anything right now because I don’t know if this walking habit of mine will last through the fall. I honestly don’t know what it is that is getting me out of bed and driving me out of bed for my daily walk. I assure you that this is not my normal approach to exercise. The hardest part of the walk remains the 6 feet from my couch. I almost always have to displace an adorable, sleeping cat to get myself out the door. But somehow, every day, I manage to pull it off.
My commitment is about to get tested. Next week we head east for a week with my in-laws in Lake Placid. I have already mapped out mental walking routes from the house there, so I am fairly sure I will continue my daily routine while I am there. It is the 2 travel days that are worrying me. Friday we fly to Albany and Saturday morning we drive up to Lake Placid. That’s two days where I am unlikely to get any walking in. Will those two off days be enough to break this habit of mine? Only time will tell.