Next week I am teaching two workshops on WordPress. I love WordPress and I love teaching WordPress. What I don’t love? Making PowerPoint slides (ok, they are really LibreOffice slides in the way that tissues are Kleenex and photocopies are Xerox copies).  I find the process tedious and boring.  I already have both sessions outlined, so it is just a matter of inserting screenshots, adding some text and doing some formatting. Really not a big deal. Except there are so many more fun things to think about and do.
For example, today I have a meeting about modifying/creating a logo for a project, followed by a trip to Yarn Garden before they close in a couple of weeks and then a massage. That should serve as enough of an incentive to just get the damn slides done so I can move on with the rest of my day. But no. Instead I decided to write a blog post about how I am using a blog post as a procrastination tool.
Its not like I haven’t been meaning to write a new post for several days now. I really do mean to be a more consistent writer, but by the end of my work day my brain is pretty much toast. As much as I am reaping tons of benefits from my new walking regimen, it also brings with it a new kind of exhaustion. I ride the wave of endorphins in the morning to get lots of work done. Then as the euphoria fades, I become more aware of my aching legs and feet. Especially last week when I was walking every day because I was feeding a friend’s cat. My usual routine is to take a rest day between walks. I find I am much more energetic when I give my body a day to recover from what has become a thrice-weekly 4-5 mile walk (although I did have a 6 mile day last week)
I truly miss the days when my body would bounce back immediately from a long hike or walk. My body is older now and needs a little more TLC when I push its limits. But, I am also hoping that maintaining a regular routine (it has been almost a month since I started) will build my endurance to a place where 4-5 miles won’t tax my body as much as it does now.
Anyway, enough procrastination. Back to being a good girl and working on my presentation.