My apologies for the recent radio silence. There has been a lot going on that has kept me fairly busy. Most recently was some exciting news from the east. On Thursday, my mother fell and broke her humerus (for those not in the know, that is your upper arm bone). Obviously, she is in pain and somewhat immobilized. Her injury also impacted my father’s care because it means she can no longer manage the overnight shift alone. News of her fall meant we needed to move to 24/7 care in a matter of hours. Fortunately, the agency we are working with was already putting together the 24/7 team. We just weren’t expecting to roll it out for another week or so.
Right now my mom is still pretty doped up. Apparently, her latest injury hurts way more than when she broke her collarbone a whole bunch of years ago. When I last spoke to her a couple of days ago, the pain was manageable with pain meds. She tried one night of sleeping with minimal meds and it was a disaster.
Those recent events really only account for the end of the week. What was I doing before that? I have to admit that I have absolutely no idea. It is amazing how certain events can just dwarf all the minutiae of everyday life. Fortunately, I have my calendar to help me remember what I was up to.
And…it all comes back to me. I think I was just blocking (most of) it out. The stuff I was blocking was me running hither and yon for most of the week. The part I feel lame about forgetting was my 14th wedding anniversary. I actually did manage to remember my anniversary on the day, which is what matters most. Early on David and I learned not to place too much import on the actual day of our anniversary. That’s because we have had fairly back luck with the actual day.
Bush II was (sort of) elected on our first anniversary. We spent a romantic evening yelling at the tv screen as election results were posted. I spent our second anniversary visiting a dying friend. With that kind of a start, we decided that 364 days good days a year more than made up for the crappy
things that seem to gravitate towards November 7th.