Last night before I fell asleep I had a brilliant idea for a post.  I failed to record it and this morning I am finding myself without any clue of what it was.  To make matters worse, I am uploading a huge number of files to a site I am working on, and that gives me the perfect opportunity to write a post. So instead of sharing whatever brilliant idea I had in mind, I will share some insight on how I get my brain started in the morning.
Some mornings my brain wakes up with the rest of me and it is raring to go first thing.  Other mornings, I have to work a little harder to warm up the sludge before I can think properly.  Regardless of my starting state, I start almost all mornings by reading my RSS feeds.  Particularly Liliputing, Lifehacker and Read Write Web.If its a really bad morning, I will go on to read some of my more entertaining feeds, but usually, I try to save those for breaks.
After I have read my fill, I look at my to-do list and see what’s on deck.  I generally find that it is best for me to start with some rote work before I dive head first into anything that requires coding or creativity.  Once I get into the groove, the rest of my morning’s’s work is pretty much smooth sailing.  I tend to get very engrossed in my work, which can, at times, be detrimental.  I will happily work away until my brain starts getting fuzzy.  I then ignore the fuzziness until I find myself stymied by something easy.  Usually that means I need a protein-laden snack.
There are those days when I really need to be able to start with what I like to call “brainful” work.  Those mornings I need a kickstart.  Those are the mornings that I blog.  I find the writing process really activates my sleepy brain cells.  I have tried (several times) to make writing a daily habit.  But it never sticks beyond a defined timeframe like a blogathon.  If I can’t come up with something to write about in fairly short order I end up at a crossroads where I either: wander into the rabbit warren of idea generation or find something else to do.
The rabbit warren can turn into a dangerous time suck.  It starts with a seemingly harmless search for topic ideas on the internet.  All too soon, I find myself looking up and discovering that hours have gone by and I have accomplished absolutely nothing.  Speaking of which, this post is beginning to make me feel twitchy about getting some actual, billable work done this morning.  Um yeah, that’s the other thing that gets me going.