When last we checked in on our intrepid (Not) blogger, she had made some radical commitments to start rebuilding her mojo. Now forĀ an update on her progress…
Writing daily: Fail
Crafting: Partial Pass
Walking: Pass
Turns out that after a day of staring at my screen and typing, the last thing I want to do is stare at the screen and type some more. I do have more half-filled and then abandoned paper journals then I know what to do with so my screen fatigue is not actually a good enough excuse for my complete failure on this goal. A friend of mine did point out that expecting a non-writer like myself to write every day may have been a bit over-ambitious. So instead of scratching this one off the list completely, I am going to reduce it to doing some writing at least 3 days a week. That one feels less overwhelming and doable.
I was on a real role with crafting after my last blog post. I made a serious dent in a project that I have been working on for way too long. But the reason that this is only a partial pass is because it does suffer from an out of sight/out of mind situation. I brought my project with me on a day I spent some quality time on public transportation and it still hasn’t made it out of that bag. So after I am done typing this post, I am going to move it from my bag over to by the couch so it will be waiting for me the next time I sit down and my lap is immediately occupied by my beloved feline.
David did ask an important question about what defined crafting for the purposes of this goal. Did it need to be fiber related? The question came up because I had declared baking as fulfilling my crafting requirement for the day. I decided (off the cuff) that any kind of creative cooking or baking counted. So the blondies I made counted. Mixing up some leftovers to make a newish meal does not count. But the spaghetti squash “lasagne” that I am planning on making for dinner tonight most definitely counts.
Thanks to the weather, my walking goal has been a bang-up success with a couple of 5 mile days alternating with mostly 3 mile days. There have been a couple of “slacker” days where I have counted just running out for errands, but since part of this goal was just for me to put on real clothes and leave the house every day, I am willing to take those as having met my goal.
Today is likely to be a shorter walk day because I have a meeting at 3, after which I need to squeeze in a walk before making dinner. But since this post fulfills my writing requirement, only walking a couple of miles would still make me feel very accomplished at the end of the day.